Plug in the network cable, plug in the power cord. Photostovis box will start booting. Please wait a minute or two, until the greed led is on, and then go to:
with your computer, tablet (or phone) CONNECTED TO THE SAME NETWORK.
This address should redirect you to your Photostovis server. You should see a sample album.
If complains that there is no Photostovis server in your network, please refresh the web page after several seconds. If more than 5 minutes have passed since you have powered on your Photostovis box but the still complains that it cannot find your server, then several things may have happened:
You can use the "Upload..." command found in the Photostovis menu (top-right corner). This will bring on the Upload toolbar that allows you to create new Albums and to upload content in the current album. Just drag and drop photos in the marked area. If you use Chrome you can drag and drop entire folders. This will result in new albums being created, as sub-albums of the current album.
If you have purchased a Photostovis box, there are two additional methods that you can use for transferring media:
Once started, the connection settings are like this:
IP | 192.168.*.* | This is the same address that redirects to. |
Password | Phtstvs17424 | Photostovis without vowels followed by the Photostovis IP port |
Port | 22 | The port for scp protocol |
Once connected, in the remote view please go to the folder:
You can transfer pictures (files and folders) there.